Clough Brengle Model 105 Oscillograph
New for 1937, Clough Brengle introduced the Model 105 Oscillograph for the service man. One of the first of the "miniature" 'scopes' offered by anyone, the Clough Brengle engineers were able to design and build a low-cost, small oscillograph that, function for function, was equivalent to the standard size 'scopes of the day. With the exception of the CRT which was the new one inch diameter 913 display tube from RCA, the vacuum tube line-up was essentially identical in type and number to the big model CRA oscillograph.
This particular unit was a gift to me by my brother some years ago. I had been looking for both the CRA and 105 'scopes from Clough-Brengle for many years, and had not located any. This instrument showed up on a web dealer's site of vintage electronics. I mentioned to my brother that I would like to own the 'scope, but was reluctant to pay the price, although reasonable. Was quite surprised when it showed up at my door some two weeks later. Thank you Dan.